Youth Alive
hi-tech city

worship . word . fellowship . fun
With its start in 1992, Youth Alive has seen 27 Years of God’s faithfulness and exponential impact. Expanding from one to three campuses, each at Kompally, Sikh Village, and Hi-Tech City.
God has amazed us at every step along the way, in our pursuit of reaching the youth in the city and beyond. Alongside spiritual nourishment, we nurture a culture where young people can gain exposure and a positive influence on various practical aspects of life as well.
We are passionate about building young people to excel and be a champion in whatever they do, to create an impact wherever God has placed them.
Youth Alive functions throughout the week in different ways, through life groups, campus programs, outreaches, etc. However, weekends are a big highlight. Young people meet at any of the three locations nearest to them.
Youth Alive functions under the leadership of Rev. Milton Raj and YA Hi-tech City campus leaders, Eliazer Raj & Payal James, and a big team of volunteers who make what youth alive does possible.